2020 „We can do everything!“ The Pleiades – theatre project for deaf and hearing children aged 6+
2020 “Out of my window flies a dream”, a theatre show for small and tall people with and without hearing abilities age 4+
2019 “The blue house”, clown theatre for deaf and hearing children at age 4+ (Compagnie Augenmusik)
2019 “The yellow purse”, clown theatre for everybody, with Yaëlle Dorison
2018 „We can do everything!“ The shoes that were danced to pieces – fairy tale-project for deaf and hearing children aged 5+
2018 Pilot Workshop Clownery in Lahore/Pakistan for CHASING DRAGONS – Pakistani-European collaboration to engage children in Pakistan through art
2018 „My noisy world” theatre project for deaf and hearing women, together with Yaëlle Dorison, at *sowieso* KULTUR BERATUNG BILDUNG Frauen für Frauen e. V., Dresden
2018 Labyrinth der Farben, performative installation of and with Luise Matzat, Kunst.Pädagogik, together with Cilly Zimmermann and Gabriel Jagieniak
2018 „We can do everything!“ The Snowqueen – fairy tale-project for deaf children aged 5+
2018 Das Große Warumundwozu – Shadow theatre for kindergartens in Dresden and Leipzig (together with Katherina Winkler)
2017 stille.blicke– theatre play for small and tall, deaf and hearing people at age 5+, Theaterhaus Frankfurt am Main (Compagnie Augenmusik)
2016 La grande domanda – Shadow theatre for deaf and hearing children at age 1+ for kindergartens in Bologna (together with Katherina Winkler)
2013 stille.wasser – theatre play for deaf and hearing children at age 5+, Theaterhaus Frankfurt am Main (Compagnie Augenmusik)