
theatre workshops / theatre pedagogical work

2024 Clowning workshop, Christliche Schule, Dresden

2023/2024 theatre education, Astrid-Lindgren-Schule, Dresden

2022-2024 supporting teacher for the school project “Sign language”, 147. Grundschule Dresden, together with Christiane Tienelt for Landesverband der Gehörlosen Sachsen e.V.

2022 Workshop “Move and meet without language”, bilinguale Integrationstagesstätte, Dresden

2022 Workshop about Basics of physical theatre for people with disabilities, AWO Pirnaer Werkstätten Dresden

2022 clowntheatre workshop, Kneipp-Kita Dresden

2022 “Move and meet without language, part 2” – theatre workshop, Kneipp-Kita Dresden

2022 Workshop Clowning Basics for elementary schools in Bensheim (Freunde des Parktheaters Bensheim e.V.)

2022 Workshop “Move and meet without language”, SRH Montessori elementary school, Dresden

2022 clowning workshop at the Winter Circus for deaf and hearing kids (Evangelische Kirche & ÖIZ, Dresden)

2021 „Wir können alles!“ (We can do everything!) – theatre project for deaf and hearing children from age 6+, Compagnie Augenmusik/Kunst für Kinder! e.V. at Theaterhaus Frankfurt (The Wishing Table)

2021 workshop clowning and theatre for elementary school children, Parktheater Bensheim

2021 “Move and meet without language” – theatre workshop, Kneipp-Kita Dresden

2020 „Wir können alles!“ (We can do everything!) – theatre project for deaf and hearing children from age 6+, Compagnie Augenmusik/Kunst für Kinder! e.V. at Theaterhaus Frankfurt (The Pleiades)

2020 clowning workshop at the Winter Circus for deaf and hearing kids (Evangelische Kirche & ÖIZ, Dresden)

2019/2020 B:Club “Sturm und Drang” for young people with and without disabilities, Bürgerbühne of the state theatre Dresden, together with Farbwerk e.V. and Yaëlle Dorison

2019/2020 Physical Theatre Training for disabled kids, Schule am Burkersdorfer Weg (Evangelische Behindertenhilfe Dresden und Umland gGmbH)

2019 theatre and circus project „wir, sie und er. Ein Märchen“, together with Yaëlle Dorison and Steffen Lewandowski, at Projekttheater Dresden

2019 theatre workshop on sign and body language, Freie Alternativschule Dresden

2019 „Wir können alles!“ (We can do everything!) – theatre project for deaf and hearing children from age 5+, Compagnie Augenmusik/Kunst für Kinder! e.V. at Theaterhaus Frankfurt (The shoes that were danced to pieces)

2018/2019 TheaterKids, St. Pauli-Ruine, Dresden (Space Odyssey)

2018 sign language coach and assistant for the mobile dance piece re²place (um²räumen) of Helena Fernandino and Wagner Moreira

2018 Clowning workshop, 85. Grundschule Dresden

2018 theatre project “Meine laute Welt – Theater mit (fast) allen Sinnen erfahrbar machen” together with Yaëlle Dorison, at *sowieso* KULTUR BERATUNG BILDUNG Frauen für Frauen e. V., Dresden

2018 supervision/dramaturgy for the project “Augen hören Geschichten” – fairy tale walk 2018 of Gellert-Museum and AlberTina, Hainichen

2018 „Wir können alles!“ (We can do everything!) – theatre project for deaf children from age 5+, Compagnie Augenmusik/Kunst für Kinder! e.V. at Theaterhaus Frankfurt (The Snowqueen)

2018 Kindergarten-Tour Das Große Warumundwozu – Shadow theatre for children at age 1+, in kindergartens in Dresden and Leipzig (directing and performing together with Katherina Winkler)

2018 theatre education, 85. Grundschule Dresden (Sindbads Abenteuer)

2018 physical theatre workshop for deaf children, Bili-Spieletreff, Dresden

2017 shadow theatre workshop for preschool children, Kinderladen Riese Efeu e.V., Dresden

2017 workshop theatre basic skills, 85. Grundschule Dresden

2017 physical theatre workshop for deaf children, Gehörlosenschule Dresden (Eine Wintergeschichte)

2017 shadow theatre workshop for deaf children, Bili-Spieletreff, Dresden

2017 assisitance clownery and performance project Wendepunkt: Alleinerziehend, with Yaëlle Dorison, *sowieso* KULTUR BERATUNG BILDUNG Frauen für Frauen e. V., Dresden

2017 theatre week at Spielplatzprojekt SPUNK with children aged 7 – 12 (Fünfe kommen durch die ganze Welt), Dresden

2017 theatre week at Gogelmosch-Haus Stolpen with children aged 6 – 10 (Das Fünfgestirn)

2017 theatre workshop inside the project “State of Reality – theatre-, dance- and performance workshops for deaf and hearing people”, Zentralwerk e.V., Dresden

2017 theatre workshop inside the project “Wenn die Wörter tanzen lernen”, with children of the 32. Grundschule Dresden and refugee children

2017 theatre workshop “Light and shadow”, Ganztagesbetreuung Gehörlosenschule Dresden

2017 theatre day, Kinder- und Jugendhaus Dresden-Plauen

2016/2017 mentoring & supervision theatre club, 51. Grundschule Dresden

2016 Workshop “Jokes” for deaf and hearing children, Kindergebärdenfestival Arnstadt

2015/2016 theatre workshop Alte Feuerwache Dresden-Loschwitz (Das Feuer des Prometheus)

2014/2015 theatre workshop Kinder- und Jugendhaus Dresden-Plauen (Das Verschwinden der Fische, Die Odyssee)

2011-2013 Kunst für Kinder! e.V. – theatre club in Frankfurt-Fechenheim (Die Odyssee, Die Nibelungensage); theatre weeks at Theaterhaus Frankfurt am Main (Die Galoschen des Glücks, Der Ring des Königs)

directing work/choreography

  • for children

2020 Aus meinem Fenster fliegt ein Traum/Out of my window flies a dream – a theatre show for small and tall people with and without hearing abilities age 4+ ( Compagnie Augenmusik, co-directing and co-acting with Elisabeth-Marie Leistikow/ELLE KOLLEKTIV)

2018 Das Große Warumundwozu/The big Whyandwhatfor – Shadow theatre for children at age 1+, in kindergartens in Dresden and Leipzig (directing and performing together with Katherina Winkler)

2017 stille.blicke/silent.glances – theatre play for small and tall, deaf and hearing people at age 5+, Theaterhaus Frankfurt am Main (Compagnie Augenmusik)

2016 La grande domanda – Shadow theatre for deaf and hearing children at age 1+ for kindergartens in Bologna (directing & performance together with Katherina Winkler)

2013 stille.wasser/silent.waters – theatre play for deaf and hearing children at age 5+, Theaterhaus Frankfurt am Main (Compagnie Augenmusik)

  • for adults

2021 Pictures of Your True Love, acc. to Wolfgang Herrndorf, A signing Solo for a hearing and signing audience, Societaetstheater Dresden/look.listen.bam (choreography)

2021 Sandberg. Wolkenfern. Motive, acc. to Joanna Bator, flausen+ young artists in residence at Theaterlabor Bielefeld (co-directing)

2009 Ritze Ratze Ringelnatze. Von der großen Unlust, erwachsen zu sein, Theater GerlichRaabe, Frankfurt am Main


2023 Summer, Sun and Christmas Tree, short film by Audiovisuelles Klimbim Kollektiv & Compagnie Augenmusik for Landesverband der Gehörlosen Sachsen e.V.

2023 LabyrinthTheatre to touch, performative installation of and with Luise Matzat, Kunst.Pädagogik, Dresden, together with Cilly Zimmermann and Gabriel Jagieniak, Kulturblüten-Festival

2022 & 2023 Walk Act as clown at European Independent Living Day for Stadtverband der Gehörlosen Dresden e.V.

2021 LabyrinthTheatre to touch, performative installation of and with Luise Matzat, Kunst.Pädagogik, Dresden, together with Cilly Zimmermann and Gabriel Jagieniak, Folklorum, Einsiedel

2021 Delivered, short film by Audiovisuelles Klimbim Kollektiv & Compagnie Augenmusik for Stadtverband der Gehörlosen Dresden e.V.

2020 Aus meinem Fenster fliegt ein Traum/Out of my window flies a dream – a theatre show for small and tall people with and without hearing abilities age 4+ (Compagnie Augenmusik, co-directing and co-acting with Elisabeth-Marie Leistikow/ELLE KOLLEKTIV)

2020 Schneiderlein Nadelfein/Tailor Needle-Fine, A fairytale  told in a loud and in a silent language, with Jule Richter 

2020 Quarantine stories on the phone 

2019 The blue house, clown theatre for deaf and hearing children at age 4+ (Compagnie Augenmusik)

2019 Walk Act as clown at “Zärtliche Republik 2019” (Tender Republic 2019)

2019 Walk Act as clown “Experiencing sensuality”, with Yaëlle Dorison

2019 Ciboulette celebrates her birthday with friends , clown theatre for everybody, with Yaëlle Dorison, Jule Richter, Katja Bretschneider and Anne Ibelings

2019 Vertrauen-Harley/Trust-Harley, dance theatre by multifil identity (mother & audiodescription)

2019 The yellow purse, clown theatre for everybody, with Yaëlle Dorison

2018 Labyrinth der Farben/Labyrinth of colors, performative installation of and with Luise Matzat, Kunst.Pädagogik, Dresden, together with Cilly Zimmermann and Gabriel Jagieniak

2018 Das Große Warumundwozu/The big Whyandwhatfor – Shadow theatre for children at age 1+, in kindergartens in Dresden and Leipzig (directing and performing together with Katherina Winkler)

2018 stille.blicke/silent.glances – theatre play for small and tall, deaf and hearing people at age 5+, Theaterhaus Frankfurt am Main (Compagnie Augenmusik)

2016 La grande domanda – Shadow theatre for deaf and hearing children at age 1+ for kindergartens in Bologna (directing & performance together with Katherina Winkler)